Do Not Think Copying Is Not On The TOP Google

Must confess is not any public Copywriter, a website is only the content created by myself. Therefore I would like to point a few steps we can rewrite creating unique content and top up effectively.

1. Attention to title of the article

- Changing the title of the article was the first thing we be concerned and it is one of the most important factors for on top of you. I put it at no.1 priority.

EX: I copied an article titled "How to copy article that was on top" We Have So Many Ways To Change It According To His Own Example” or "High Up Steam With The Top Post Copy" or do not think to be top copy is not so and so. Google hard before placing the title to make sure your title is UNIQUE.

2. Rewrite the description

-  It is also considered as one of the critical factors in distinguishing Unique articles on Google Search and I put it in priority no.2.

-  Rewrite the description sometimes cause us to be "Secret" because normally the editors have condensed pretty good article content to insert it into 160 characters in descrtion, but not impossible. I do not know how you rewrite in this situation but I simply than "Skim reading contents" and write something about my thoughts on the main content.

-  Please note the principles of the offline editor description. Should contain no more than 170 characters, description should contain the keywords and keyword phrases need SEO. Writing compelling attraction CLICK on your website.

3. Attack to main content

As we already know, Google reads the text content on the page pretty charger. However, I could just google the "Check text" can not "understand content" exactly like humans. And this is our advantage. Make:
-  Deposited for shorter articles however do not have 300words okay too short
-  Add the comment section of each individual small content in post
-  Instead of words, certain phrases with the word "Synonym"
-  Rather similar images and takes photos at a place to store Profile, look for ways to replace it before putting it into the article.
-  Insert the keyword density in the article how? "Do not too 7%" is ok
-  Rewrite the TAGs and the keywords meta tag for safety
-  With my own experience, the "Text content" of other articles with "Text content" of about 70% is safe.
-  Do not forget to delete the original HTML of the article before posting it on my blog.

4. Add new content with conclusions

-  My conclusion is that we can share the comments mentioned, the assessment of individual rewrite of newly published content. Trying to "Write" a little more variety and do not forget to increase the View other posts on Blog related content

-  It is 4 basic steps so that we can easily change the content of an article, the original content "unique" with Google and also the content is "unique" to the reader as well. There are many questions that: There should link to the original article? Link out how much is enough? Let me answer that: Link to the source is required so that the reader can understand most clearly what I wanted to express in the article is read. Link out as much as long as LINK IS USEFUL FOR USERS. Google also warned that the "Do not create junk links in your post, let the user to where they want to. Your Linkout can truly useful it is 1 point for your Blog ".


Written by Mai

Hello everyone, My name is Mai, I'm an Internet Marketer, I thank you when you visit my blog. Hopefully what I know will help you. If there is something lacking, you can comment with me, every word of your comment, I sincerely thank you..

1 comment:

  1. Nice seo tips collection girl
    It's informative
