You have high rankings on search results, you tried SEO for website by optimizing pages (OnPage SEO), Link Exchange, placing ads, textlink put ... However, your page rank is not only increasing but also tends to decline. So why is from. Refer to our article, to see if you're right or not SEO website. If you like the way you're doing the same with one of the following 10 ways, then you should stop right now. So here are 10 tricks used black hat SEO, Search Engine that they never liked the black hat SEO.

1. Link Farm:
- Create the system in order to improve site rank for the main page, by writing promotional articles for the site, in order to distort search results. In essence, link farms will not be harmful if the page has useful content, have high rankings, duplicate content and not related to the main content page. It would be a disaster if you create 10-pages where the content is the same, nothing special, not related to the page content, to ad bluff to the main page, not to mention the cause multiples for the viewer, that even the SE will underestimate your main competition.
2. Automated Content Generation:
- Use software or technical information automatically obtained from other sites to your site content, the SE will appreciate the content page is frequently updated. But if all you are going to copy content from other sites on the SE will review and rank the website such reduction, not to mention you still have to face copyright issues articles.
- The best way that you can still get a few articles to enrich the website, but do not take the whole, mostly self-written so that the. If the case should go to the copy of the source path should end post.
3. Keyword Stuffing:
- A constantly stuffing keywords in the article content, such as the following: We are providing web design services, web designers in our company you will be satisfied with the website design, our cheap web design, web design our very cheap prices. This just makes the content look very odd to the reader, but also badly affect your rankings.
4. Cloaking :
- Kỹ thuật che dấu nội dung, kỹ thuật này tạo ra phần tiêu đề, phần miêu tả nội dung dành riêng cho các bọ tìm kiếm của SE, nhưng khi người dùng click vào xem link đó thì nội dung lại hoàn toàn khác. Chẳng hạn khi search google từ khóa nghe nhạc website của bạn hiện lên với nội dung : Nghe và tải nhạc chất lượng cao nhưng khi click vào thì lại ra trang 1 trang với nội dung là rao vặt. Nên dừng lại ngay bạn nhé.
5. Hidden Text:
- Using hidden text. This technique uses the same color with the color of the text to keyword stuffing web content and advertising. For example your website predominant color is black, you are black and the font used for writing content that makes the viewer can not see the bug content but still looking for that. However, SE fool not so effective, but sometimes the consequences are warned of SE measures. Limiting this way.
6. Doorway / Gateway Pages:
- This technique is similar to cloaking techniques to create navigation and content difference between the SE and the tricks used by the navigation, it will make you lose visitors but the SE itself will also limit mechanism of this type put the link to your search results.
7. Content Duplication:
- Duplicate Content, may intentionally or inadvertently create many links you have exactly the same content. Such http://yoursite/contenta page and http://yoursite/contentb same content, this does not get you higher rankings that will put limits on the two links on the search results and contents whether it will be helpful underestimated.
8. Pointer Domain:
- This technique is more common for a website domain name. Whether you use public domain content is entirely the same. Only other domains.
- For example: and lead to a content, will be very harmful Thus, if you have multiple domains, the best way is to use techniques 301 redirect, and should inform the SE know this. Limiting Domain Pointer function.