SmartMReward Review - The Honest
Vendor: Geny Kostrov
Product Name: SmartMReward
Launch Date: January
22nd (Wednesday) 2014 @ 12 PM EST
Launch Time: 11:00
Front-End Price: $27
Product Type: WordPress Plugin
Bonus Page: Yes
Hello everyone, I'm Mai Quynh, very thankful to have people
visit my blog, and today I will review SmartMReward of vendor
Brandon Shelton, What is SmartMReward,
Okay let me review.
SmartMReward Review – Why not?

You have a website, your website can be a sales site,
advertising services, or as a blog to voice your thoughts and feelings you make
a site not to watch.
A site must have regular viewers, that is visits, which
attract traffic to your website is difficult to retain them, it is even harder.
You are headache because:
- Better Conversions
- Good return reason
So to keep the visitor 's hard then let us awarded something
of value for them . Um ... See, that to give the award to each of them , as
well as a headache anymore .
But that's before you figure out SmartMReward and my reviews.
SmartMReward is effective reward system, it is the tool for
you automatically awarded and effective for your site , which formerly
headaches .
And some things that I was not sure you could pass this
useful tool :
- Quick startup
- No skills required
- Easy setup
Click here to download SmartMReward NOW
SmartMReward Review - Work – How?

Don’t worry, it’s
100% working method, because it’s used by:
Popular online games
Supermarkets, shops…
Social network apps
SmartMReward - The steps to use:
Step 1 - Install the Plugin
This is a WordPress plugin, so the site is
WordPress, installed, and then obviously, and SmartMReward plugin purchased and
-->> Click here to download
the plugin
After installation and activation, the plugin
pops up a list of the default banner configured
Now we use one of them :)
Step 2 - Easily Configure the Banner
Clicking on edit link opens editor where we can
see a set of frames for a banner and settings pane. Now we have to choose how
much rewards to apply by adding or removing frames ( by count of rewards
available ). Each frame has active and inactive state pictures, active frame
link, headlines and descriptions for each state.
All these things are optional and can be
omitted, if you, for example, don't want
a frame to have a link when activated - because your gift is a promo code and
you will specify it in description for active frame state or will draw on
active image.
So here is some kind of universality and freedom
in choosing of the gift kind.
Want to use default preset for downloads, so
just remove 2 tailing frames.
By clicking on each frame will change links to
my download files #1,#2,#3 I have chosen
to reward with ( also by clicking on bottom Url tab ).
I will tick 1 day interval ( daily bonus ) and
choose Reset on Miss on (visitor looses his progress after missing a visit
inside the journey ).
I will leave default fonts, colors and
dimentions for now.
That's it! As you can see, it will take me no
longer then 5 minutes to setup a simple but fully functional banner - no longer
then taking out the recycling and/or the garbage, (that's a real benefit of
SmartMReward plugin over complex and heavy time-consuming ad systems).
Thus the banner is configured and
we are now ready to move to step 3.
Step 3 - Paste Embed Code
edit banner page I can grab embed code under "Embed" settings section
and paste it into desired page. Plugin allows me to choose shortcode, theme or
html embed mode. I prefer shortcode and themeas they dynamically adjust banner
preview on frontend when its dimensions are getting changed in admin. So I take
shortcode embed and paste it to the post where I want my banner reside. Or, if
I need it to be on all pages, I paste a theme embed into my blog header or footer.
And, finally, if you purchase products through my referral link, you will receive a bonus package of up to $ 1,900, please click HERE.
What are you waiting without buy today and right now ;))
If you are unhappy with my posts, please leave a comment. I sincerely thank you for visiting my blog, and read my post this review.
Have a nice day!!!!
And, finally, if you purchase products through my referral link, you will receive a bonus package of up to $ 1,900, please click HERE.
What are you waiting without buy today and right now ;))

If you are unhappy with my posts, please leave a comment. I sincerely thank you for visiting my blog, and read my post this review.
Have a nice day!!!!
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