What is Google PageRank? Always been the subject of study and research SEOer before doing SEO. So What is Google PageRank and its power to influence how SEO, I will give you an overview of this issue.

Google PageRank or Google PR is:
This term is interpreted as a measure of trust and reputation of one website or any link to Google . PageRank was developed at Stanford University by Larry Page ( hence also the name PageRank ) and then by Sergey Brin as part of the project a new search engine . And the patented September 4, 2001 . According to Google , PageRank is evaluated through a system pointing backlinks to the website , links and updates are usually around 2-3 months / time . But now backlink factor was not so important in the PageRank evaluation of the site , instead, PageRank is assessed through a variety of other factors such as website content , domain age , and share a common information through social networks . Google pagerank is the first time in quite a misleading measure and Google PageRank declared no longer so important , and not much impact on website rankings on Google .
The power of Google PageRank and the benefits of high PR is what?
My own opinion, Google pagerank always very important for every website, any links for the following reasons:
* Google high pagerank sites to help attract large amount of traffic from the SEOer.
* Google high pagerank sites help index higher speeds, especially the forums. * Google high pagerank helps webmasters textlink business with a high price.
* Google high pagerank increase indicators for the domain and page.
* Google high pagerank helps webmasters to easily exchange links, swap links with reputable websites, other quality.
Today Google PageRank can pull one easy way for the domain, the new link. This is a flaw of Google, and Google PageRank too small to affect the ranking position PageRank keywords should no longer be the focus as the former webmaster. The company offers SEO services no longer run under google PR that focuses on website content will bring greater efficiency.